Regenerative farming

We only raise so much Kunekune pork, chicken and eggs on the farm each year. We have diligently been expanding our operation to feed more families. At this time Farm Club is open with very limited spots remaining. We do not intend to open Farm Club back up until 2025.

We raise a heritage breed of pigs called "Kunekune". Their pork is absolutely phenomenal tasting like no other pork on the market. Tender, juicy and delicious are all words I would use to describe our pork. Our meat cuts are red identical to a steak. Our livestock is raised out in lush pasture and hills, soaking up the sun and absorbing the nutrients from the Earth. We keep all of our meat free from antibiotics, hormones and other additives. Our standards are beyond organic. We raise our animals with the utmost respect from start to harvest.

"How it's raised matters."

What's Farm Club?

Farm Club is a monthly meat CSA consisting of our premium quality Kunekune pork, whole chicken and eggs. Farm Club members get our meats at a discounted price compared to those who purchase our meat at retail. Members also receive exclusive perks to the farm such as quarterly farm tours, first dibs on tickets for workshops and special events hosted here on the farm.

Members pick up their boxes each month from the farm here in Gore, Virginia. We do offer delivery for a fee based on your location. Send an email to to get a delivery fee quote.

Farm Club was designed to give families food security from a local farm with the highest standards.

Don't miss out, join today while spots remain!

  • Pastured + Woodland Raised

    Our pigs are true pasture pigs that do very little to no rooting. Thes graze our pastures and clear our woodlands in the fresh Virginia air while soaking in the sun which adds nutrients to the meat, Vitamin D for example.

  • Humane Practices

    We have many practices put in place to create a stress free environment for our livestock. From the way they are handled daily to moving them to new locations and lastly harvesting them. They are raised with the utmost respect from birth to harvest.

  • Rotationally Grazing

    We rotationally graze our livestock to ensure they are always on new area with fresh forage. Their waste regenerates the land in the process so we can grow more pasture and forage.